OnePlus will Datensammlung einschränken

Der chinesische Hersteller der OnePlus-Smartphones ist wegen Datensammelei aufgefallen und verspricht diese Praxis bis Ende Oktober 2017 zu ändern.

Vor einigen Tagen war ruchbar geworden, dass der chinesische Hersteller der OnePlus-Smartphones über ihr OxygenOS ungefragt private Nutzerdaten sammelt und an chinesische Server schickt (siehe OnePlus zieht in OxygenOS unerlaubt Nutzerdaten ab). Nun hat sich OnePlus in einem Forenbeitrag geäußert:

The reason we collect usage analytics through the user experience program is so we can better understand general phone behavior and optimize OxygenOS for a better overall user experience. At any time, users can opt-out of usage analytics collection by navigating to ‚Settings‘ -> ‚Advanced‘ -> ‚Join user experience program‘.
The reason we collect some device information is to better provide after-sales support. If you opt out of the user experience program, your usage analytics will not be tied to your device information.
We’d like to emphasize that at no point have we shared this information with outside parties. The analytics we’re discussing in this post, which we only look at in aggregate, are collected with the intention of improving our product and service offerings.
By the end of October, all OnePlus phones running OxygenOS will have a prompt in the setup wizard that asks users if they want to join our user experience program. The setup wizard will clearly indicate that the program collects usage analytics. In addition, we will include a terms of service agreement that further explains our analytics collection. We would also like to share we will no longer be collecting telephone numbers, MAC Addresses and WiFi information.
We take privacy very seriously and do not share analytics with third parties. Our intention has always been to better serve our users. Looking ahead, we will continue working directly with our users to do so. We appreciate your patience and feedback.

Ab Ende Oktober 2017 fragen die Geräte beim Setup nach, ob der Nutzer am ‘user experience program’ teilnehmen möchten. Der Assistent soll auch kommunizieren, dass Daten für Analysezwecke gesammelt werden. (via)

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Eine Antwort zu OnePlus will Datensammlung einschränken

  1. Ben sagt:

    „If you opt out of the user experience program, your usage analytics will not be tied to your device information.“

    Heißt im Klartext, dass die Daten trotzdem an den Hersteller versendet werden…
    Applaus, Applaus!

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