Shadow Brokers launches 0-Day Exploit Subscriptions

[German]The former announcement made by anonymous hacker group Shadow Brokers becomes true. The group has detailed their 0-Day Exploit Subscriptions program.

Shadow Brokers promised they have more in stock and plans to release new material from June 2017 onwards on a subscription base. Now the details are public, as The Hacker News reported here. The group announced the TheShadowBrokers Monthly Dump Service – June 2017 with details a few hours ago.  

  • #1 – Between 06/01/2017 and 06/30/2017 send 100 ZEC (Zcash) to this z_address:
  • #2 – Include a "delivery email address" in the "encrypted memo field" when sending Zcash payment
  • #3 – If #1 and #2 then a confirmation email will be sent to the "delivery email address" provided
  • #4 – Between 07/01/2017 and 07/17/2017 a "mass email" will be send to the "delivery email address" of all "confirmed subscribers" (#1, #2, #3)
  • #5 – The "mass email" will contain a link and a password for the June 2017 dump

The 100 ZEC has a value of 21,000 US $ – so the monthly subscription fee isn't for ordinary script kiddies. But I guess, several secret services, criminals and also vendors of hard- and software will subscribe.

What to expect?

According to The Hacker News and what Shadow Brokers announced, subscribers could expect a lot of things like:

  • Exploits for operating systems, including Windows 10.
  • Exploits for web browsers, routers, and smartphones.

Also stolen data from banks and Swift providers or network information from Russian, Chinese, Iranian, and the North Korean nuclear missile programs may be released. It seems that we will have a hot summer and autumn this year.

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