The Shadow Brokers: June Dump with Exploits delivered to subscribers and more …

[German]It seems, that hacking group the Shadow Brokers has send out the first dump of June Exploits to subscribers. And there are further announcements like Jule subscription and a 'VIP service', and more.

Exploits for subscribers …

The Shadow Brokers has announced last May the launch of a monthly subscription model for its data dumps with a 21,000 US $ per month price tag. The group claims to have zero day exploits and network data from SWIFT, Central Banks and other compromised organization. According to this blog post, the June dump has been send out to subscribers. The group claims in a statement from last Wednesday, the subscription offer was a great success:

Another global cyber attack is fitting end for first month of theshadowbrokers dump service. There is much theshadowbrokers can be saying about this but what is point and having not already being said? So to business! Time is still being left to make subscribe and getting June dump. Don't be let company fall victim to next cyber attack, maybe losing big bonus or maybe price on stock options be going down after attack. June dump service is being great success for theshadowbrokers,

New Jule dump and VIP service announced

Due to this 'great success'  the group announced the Jule dump with a raised price tag. TheShadowBrokers July dump subscription is available for 200 ZEC or 1000 XMR (which is about 46,500 Euro or 53.000 US %).

Shadow brokers tools
(TheShadowBrokers July dump is 200 ZEC or 1000 XMR. Using same addresses as June same instructions.")

Within the statement from last Wednesday, TheShadowBrokers also announced a VIP service for a one time fee of 400 ZEC  (about 93,000 Euro). The group says, this service is for individual vulnerabilities or intel on organizations.

The group is also threating a person with Twitter alias 'doctor' for doxing. They assume, the 'doctor' is a former NSA hacker/employee linked to Equation Group.  The group claims thet the 'doctor' is co-founder of a security firm. But the person that has tweeted under an alias @drwolff has probably doxed himself.

Further details may be read here and here. And the answer to @drwolfff's doxing may be read here.

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