Dropbox ends support for Windows 8.1

[German]Users of Windows 8.1 systems using the online storage of Dropbox have to swallow a bitter pill. Dropbox has withdrawn its support for Windows 8.1.

Specifically, Dropbox has pulled its app from the Microsoft Store. As MS PowerUser reports here, the app is no longer available.

(Source: MS PowerUser)

If you try to download the app again from the store, you will receive a message that it is no longer available (see screenshot above). Recently the Microsoft Bing Translator disappeared from the store as an app. I haven't tried it, but the Dropbox Windows client (Desktop app) should be useable in Windows 8.1.

Wer versucht, die App neu aus dem Store herunterzuladen, erhält die Meldung, dass diese nicht mehr verfügbar sei. Kürzlich war erst der Microsoft Bing-Translator als App aus dem Store verschwunden (Windows 8.1: Tschüss Microsoft Translator). Ich habe es nicht probiert, imho sollte der Dropbox-Windows-Client (Desktop-App) weiter verwenden lassen. Frage: Vermisst jemand von euch Windows 8.1-Nutzern die App?

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