[German]Can we run Microsoft Office as a click-to-run installation parallel to an MSI installation? Microsoft says no to this. But it seems that there is still a trick that works and bot packages may be installed in parallel.
What the problem?
Microsoft usually offers its Office suite as a click-to-run installation. A web installer then pulls all components of Office and sets them up on a target system. Only works as long as Microsoft offers the download.
However, there is also an Office Professional version for business environments, that can be installed via .msi files. The advantage: You have the installation files for the Office package on a DVD or on your hard disk and can install in one go, without downloading.
No coexistence – and some trouble
However, Microsoft does not allow/support a parallel installation of these two product variants. This causes some administrators to run into problems in business environments. Some admins told me, that Access or Visio and Project 2016 are only available as Click'n'Run via Microsoft Imagine. If a .msi install is used to distribute MS Office, standalone Click'n'Run packages can't be installed on those machines.
Parallel installation will work after all…
German blog reader Conny R. contacted me a couple of days before and drew my attention to a Technet forum post, that addresses this issue. Within the Technet forum thread Office 2016 (MSI installer) volume license incompatible with Visio/Project 2016 from MSDN (Click to run installer) a user wrote.
We have encountered a problem were we are unable to use both Office 2016 (MSI installer) and the latest versions of Project and Visio 2016 from MSDN.
Our academic institution has a Volume License agreement for Office and the installers we are provided are MSI based. Our department has a Dreamspark subscription which allows us to install Project and Visio 2016 on computers for non-commercial research and teaching purposes from MSDN. The problem is that we are unable to install both pieces of software in lab computers because MSI installer and Click to Run installer cannot coexists on the same machine.
The scenario, some administrators pointed out to me. Within the above Technet thread, user thenicnic posted a workaround.
I discovered a workaround while I was wondering how the C2R installer checks if there is Microsoft Office 2016 already installed on the PC. The assumption was that it just asks the "list of installed programms" in the registry (it's the one you can also see via control panel). I googled for a way to hide Office from this list and found this manual: http://woshub.com/how-to-hide-installed-programs-from-programs-and-features/
It actually works this way:
- Go to the registry path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\
Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Office16.PROPLUS (x86 Office) or HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\
CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Office16.PROPLUS (x64 Office)- Add a DWORD value called SystemComponent and set it to 1
- Now make sure that in the control panel (Programs and Features) Office 2016 is absent
- You can install Visio 2016 now with the C2R installer, after that start it and enter your serial
- Remove the registry value from step 2 so that the Office 2016 entry appears again
Hope this works for you
I can't test it here – but perhaps this is quite interesting for administrators in the academic environment of universities. You could give feedback whether this works and is useful or not.
The other point are the O365 Office C2R and existing Visio and Project 2016 msi installer. That are normally also not working. But for this MS have a solution with C2R-P: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/3157564/office-click-to-run-perpetual-c2r-p-release-for-project-2016-and-visio
I finally was able to install Access 2016 WMI on a PC with Office Home and Business 2016 CTR. Thank you so much!
Add a DWORD value called SystemComponent and set it to 1
How please help me
1) Once you have found the path, right click on the right panel (where the records are) and select "New" > "DWORD"
2) Type "SystemComponent" as name of the new record
3) Double click on the record you just created to change value to "1"
So where would you find this path in window 10 pro to accomplish the same thing? respond to ckingjr1@gmail.com please so I can install visio 2016 pro with office 2016 pro plus installed already.
We were able to finally install our Visio 2016 C2R (DreamSpark) on our Volume License Officer 2016 Pro. We are a Academic Institution same as above with the same setup. It is essential we have both running on the same PC for teaching. Thank you very much!
Tried this which allowed me to install Visio 2019 C2R on computer with Office Pro 2016, but now Outlook will not open. Runs in safe mode, but not normally. I can't attempt an Office repair as Windows detects the C2R Visio and says the install versions are not compatible. Outlook opens fine as soon as I uninstall Visio.
Use this method at your own risk.
You saved me too!
Is it possible to convert the Click-to-Run license to MSI?
I have installed the Office 2016 Pro MSI version but Project 2016 Pro in Click-to-Run version
Nope you can't.
Is this solution legally validated by microsoft?
Succesfully installed Click-to-Run Visio to a machine which had msi-versions of Office 2016 Standard and Skype for Business 2015 installed. Everything went great for few days but suddenly Skype stopped working (just crashed during launch). Only way to get Skype working was uninstalling C2R Visio.
So be aware that this method (adding registry key) may not be the permanent solution.
Hi Sami,
Have you found any solution to this problem? (Same problem for me).
Or only way is uninstall C2R product ?
Thanks a lot.
My university has a license server for Office 2016 and i downloaded visio from microsoft student program. I have the same problem.
Here on my system I cant find Office16.PROPLUS (x64) thing in: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\
Instead i see only one thing "whatsapp" in this folder. Plz help
same for me. What to do?
Look under
Thank you!! Really nice article, just one thnig to mention:
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Office16.VISPRO" – my x64 path (not HKEY_CURRENT_USER). In case someone has the same situation.
Thanks, that solved my problem
Thank a lot ! It works for me too
Working for me so far! Thanks!
Thanks it worked
Thank you so much!!! I was able to install Access 2013 using this! You are a life saver.
I also can't find Office16.PROPLUS (x64) or VISPRO.
Any ideas?
There's one more location to check in case your organisation used VL:
After trying lots of things, this was the thing that finally worked :-)
Under UnInstall Look for ProPlus2019Retail – en-us
\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ProPlus2019Retail – en-us
I have installed Office 2019 Pro Plus and later when I tried to install SharePoint Server 2019, i got into the same problem that this thread is talking about.
After performing the above steps, Now I am able to install SharePoint Server 2019 successfully without actually uninstalling Office 2019 Pro Plus.
Thanks Guys.
Hi I had the same problems as Chris, Project 2016 installed but Outlook wouldn't run until I uninstalled Project – Did anyone manage to resolve this?
Thanks – Phil
Worked great for me.
I added the DWORD value here:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\O365BusinessRetail – es-es\
Thanks a lot!
Mario D.
i ran into a problem where i was able to do the above, but the installer wouldn't let me install either the 32 or 64 bit versions. it would flip back and forth – both on Project 2019 and Visio
This has worked for me also. It as saved me hours of frustration of trying to install Project 2016.
Now I can concentrate on other matters!
AWESOME, thank you very much, it works!!!
This is the only proven method I know to have Office installed with both Click-to-Run and Windows Installer on the same computer.
In fact,I was able to install Office 2013 Professional without having to uninstall my current stand alone version of Outlook 2013.
I went ahead and modified the original posts (which were only for Office 2016) so that now you can do the same with ANY VERSION OF OFFICE:
1. Go to the registry path by typing Registry Editor in the search window and click it.
2. Enter, in the top window of the Registry Editor, the following path:
then scroll down on the list until you find your version of Office, then click it.
Right click anywhere in a blank area on the right panel (where the records are) and select "New" > "DWORD", and it will create a new record.
Right click on the new record and rename it "SystemComponent"
Double click on "SystemComponent" to change value to "1" and select "Hexadecimal"
3. You can now install Visio, Office, or any other software that had a conflict.
4. After your software is installed, you can remove the registry value by right clicking on "SystemComponent" and deleting it.
Excellent! Worked great for us (schoolhouse) with Visio 2016 and Office 2016. But Visio C2R doesn't update with WSUS at ALL now! We're offline. Does Visio 2016 ONLY update from the internet?! WE DON'T ALL HAVE INTERNET!
I tried installing Access Volume License (windows installer) on a machine with Office 2019 home & business (click-to-run) and "systemcomponent=1" doesn't work. I get a message saying that I must uninstall "empty" to install Access.
Mine office 2013
Many Thanks!
Works with Visio 2016 x32 (MSI) and Office 2019 x32 (C2R).
Windows 10 x64 1903 added registry value:
I have perpetual Project 2016 installed and was able to tweak the instructions to install Office 365 (Educational license) C2R.
Added the "SystemComponent" DWord into the key:
Thanks for the awesome instructions! And don't forget to remove the DWord from your key after you're finished the installation.
Excellent. Worked like a charm.
In my case the registry entry was at a different location but I found the solution in the comments – >
"Look under
worked perfectly for 0365 business and viso16 , thank you
I only needed to install the O365 Access Runtime on a PC that had an O2016 MSI install on it. This did the trick! Now to see if anything weird happens in production.
Thank you! I was able to install Office 365 with this. Now I have Skype for business 2016 and Office 365 components working together!
Thanks this helped me!!
Thanks a lot for the solution, it works for me. now i can install Visio 2016 Std (C2R) and Office 2016 Pro Plus (MSI) on the same machine
Can anyone successfully confirm if they are able to still receive updates on both applications or even install other Microsoft products down the line without having issues? I.E. you installed Office 2016 MSI and Project with C2R using the guidance here and later decide to also install Visio, did it work smoothly or did it uninstall everything, and separately, when the MSI product and the C2R product ran office or windows updates, it actually worked.
I'm pretty sure the answer is no for all of you, but would like some confirmation as I have spent days and weeks on this issue over the past year and thought I was crazy and it was just my system
Can anyone help me? I have Windows 10 Pro 64 bit system and office 2016 32 bit click to run . I want to install project 2016 and , have tried your solution but i cannot find office registry path.
1. Go to
2. change "ClickToRunComponent" REG-DWORD from 1 to 0
3. Install
4 Change Back [step 2]
thanks @petka11…this is the right solution. Thanks for the tip
Thanks Borncity & Petka11.
Thanks a lot .Worked like a charm
Indeed this works. I have Office 2016 Pro Plus (perpetual msi version) installed, and ran into the click to run error when I tried to install Visio 2016 Pro yesterday. I had tried downloading ISO/IMG files from a couple of the discount keycode sites that publish the downloads, but kept getting the error.
The only variation I used from the above article was that in the Registry, I started from the HKEY_Local_Machine\… branch. As soon as the DWORD is in there, Office disappears from the installed programs list, not even a restart required.
Well… It actually did take down Outlook like Phil mentioned above. Any ideas where to troubleshoot that?
Thanks a lot, Bro.. I wasted more than 6 hours to fix this issue. Watched several videos on youtube, but nothing worked. Thanks to you, it only took 5 minutes to fix the problem.
Thank you very much, it worked for us too!
Great Article.. thank you for all who added updates and explained simply and clearly.
I have Office Professional Plus 2016 – 64 Bit, MSI, installed and working.
Office 2016 includes Outlook 2016 version 16.0.5461.1001.
Since 16th September 2024 Modern Authentication is now the only way that non subscription versions of Microsoft Outlook for Desktop can synchronise with Outlook.com.
Outlook 2016, Build/Version: 2406 / 17726.20126 (a C2R version) Does support Modern Authentication.
Cani I add Outlook 2016 Build/Version: 2406 / 17726.20126 to my PC and continue to run Office 2016 MSI that is already installed?