Windows 10: Sleep Study, Information and issues

[German]Since Windows 8.1, Microsoft has introduced the Sleep Study module for power management. Here is some information about Sleep Study and also issues with this tool are addressed.

I confess, the Sleep Study function has never came to my attention. This blog post was inspired by a post from Microsoft in June 2018 on the diagnostic possibilities of this module. 

What is Sleep Study?

Tracking system activity and battery consumption during standby mode can be difficult. The reason: Tracking even unnecessary activity in Windows can affect battery consumption itself. For example, traditional logging on a hard disk has the undesirable side effect that the battery charge is consumed excessively when the hard disk is activated for logging.

Microsoft has therefore introduced the software tool Sleep Study from Windows 8.1 upward. It is available in all Windows PCs that implement the modern standby power model. Sleep Study can measure power consumption in standby mode with minimal impact on battery consumption. The Sleep Study tool is designed so that it does not generate activities that could affect the standby performance it measures.

Microsoft published the article Modern standby SleepStudy in 2017, which describes the tool. The Sleep Study tool gives (according to the article) an overview of each standby session. This information includes active time, idle time and power consumption. A session starts when the system goes into modern standby mode and ends when it leaves it.

Use Sleep Study for diagnose

Sleep Study provides information about the causes of activities that occur during each standby session. This function enables an easy examination of long-term activities. The tool can be called with the command

powercfg.exe /SleepStudy

further call options are described in this Microsoft article. This allows you to specify a time for monitoring or generate a report. In June 2018 Microsoft published the blog postSleep Study: Diagnose what's draining your battery while the system sleeps. The article deals with the use of the tool. 

(Sleep Study-Call, Source: Microsoft)

Sleep Study issues

The tool can be quite useful to track down issues with power consumption in standby mode, but it can also be quite problematic. During my research I came across this Microsoft Answers forum post titled Sleep Study Writing All Over C: Drive, an SSD from March 2017. I found also a German Technet forum entry mentions a similar issue. In both cases, users had the problem that an enabled sleep study would fill the hard disk or SSD and then cause problems. In the latter case, it was the third-party tool Nero TuneItUp that caused the problems. 

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One Response to Windows 10: Sleep Study, Information and issues

  1. No Win Situation says:

    Yeah and oddly I had my mother call me and tell me to go to bed.
    Oddly enough my BIOS has a password. IPV6 is communicating while on airplane mode and my computer has been set up as a workstation.
    Add the indirect threatening emails plus a boatload of services all connecting to the RPC ENDPOINT, somebody is definitely listening, however I cover my camera. Just disturbing when emails are similar to my conversations. Unfortunately this sounds crazy so someone is getting away with it.

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