Windows 10 Mobile: Bootloader unlocker is Open Source

A brief information for for people who still have Windows 10 Mobile devices and use them for handicrafts. René Lergner has released his bootloader unlocker code as Open Source.

I'm not in that topic, because I don't have the right devices. René Lergner (aka Heathcliff74), the developer of Windows Phone Internals, has released some impressive hacks and workarounds since the release of Windows.

 Windows Phone Internals
(Source: MS Power User)

Among other things, he developed the boot loader unlocker and integrated it into the Windows Phone Internals. This allows the boot loader of Windows 10 mobile devices to be unlocked. This makes it possible to install Custom-Roms or Windows 10 on ARM on these devices.

However, the Windows Phone community is slowly dying. As MS Power User reports here, René Lergner lacks the time to maintain Windows Phone Internals (WPinternals).  So he won't be able to give the project his full attention anymore. As a consequence, he has declared the project Open Source, so that other developers can take over and continue his work.

The source code of WPInternals is available at Github. René Lergner also wants to upload some of his early hacking tools, according to his explanation. Question: Is that even of interest to any of you?

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