Survey: Slow Windows Server 2016 Update installs?

[German]Now that the December 2018 patchday is over, I would like to start a small survey. It's about your experiences as administrators of Windows Server 2016 installations. Is it still the case that these machines installs updates terrible slow?

A short view back

I had already addressed the topic in June 2018 in the article Windows Server 2016: Slow updates. In Microsoft's Answers forums frustrated administrators have been complaining about extremely slow update processes on Windows Server 2016 for quite some time.

Already in July 2017 this thread in the Microsoft-Technet-Forum describes the dilemma of the administrators quite exactly:

A client has a collection of servers that are running 2008r2, 2012 and 2016

Is it just me or are the server 2016 updates just slow?! I had updated all the 2008r2 and 2012 ones in about an hour, yet the 2016 servers took the best part of a day to update and install!

what's with that?

In the back of my mind I had noticed that Microsoft wants to fix this with an update. The November 2017 update KB4048953 should fix the problem of slow update installation. And I also mean that in 2018 there was something mentioned within an update description.

What are your experiences?

Therefore I had put this topic as done. A few days ago I became aware of the topic again. German blog reader Markus K. sent me an email for the December 2018 patchday:

I don't know if it's of interest, but I'm sick of the patch duration and the behavior when patching a 2016 GUI server.

In my case a 0815 Server 2016 with SQL Server 2016 and WSUS.
So anyway nothing great… after 8 hours at 95% download progress… all gone!

As far as Server 2016 is concerned… something has to happen, otherwise something will happen! I am shortly before "Set-Service wuauserv -StartupType Disabled"! Also can not be that 1 CPU core 24/7 100% must run for this mess!

And that brings us to the topic: What is your experience with the update installation time for Windows Server 2016? Is this no problem or is Windows Server 2016 extremely slow to install updates? Are there any special update problems? You could use the following survey and comment freely below.

Windows Server 2016 – slow update installation

Yes, updates installs terrible slow
No, updates installs at normal speed
Created with SurveyMaker

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