Security: Airport Charles de Gaulle/Orly and the exploit.bat

Just a brief security information, because we have late evening and a bank holiday. The network specialists at Paris airport Charles de Gaulle/Orly (CDG) seems to have to check their networks again for malware.

I don't know if anything happened. But I just had this tweet flushed into my stream, which makes me think a bit.

The (US) account holder writes that he just passed through the border control at the airport CDG (Charles de Gaulle/Orly/France, near Paris, I've been spending many hours there within the Airbus maintenance halls there as a young engineer in 1980, checking A300 machines). Suddenly he noticed the above message on a monitor beside a counter. It is Windows XP system, as far as I would conclude from the screenshot. And on the screen the file manager shows a file exploit.bat. Since the Explorer otherwise shows everything in French (but the photo is very blurred), you could ask about what's behind it.

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