Windows 10 V190x: Issues with Update KB4535996

[German]Microsoft released the cumulative update KB4535996 for Windows 10 version 1903 and 1909 on February 27, 2020. But some users are facing serious issues with this optional update.

I introduced update KB4535996 in the blog post Windows 10 Version 190x: Update KB4535996 (Feb. 27, 2020). This update fixes a whole range of problems. This solves the bug with missing printers. Also the broken search in the taskbar should be fixed. But the problem with the temporary user profiles is not fixed (see following text).

Windows 10 Update KB4535996

But it is an optional update, the download of which must be explicitly initiated by the user. So if you don't suffer from a bug that is indicated as fixed, you should wait with the update installation.

Still 'Temporary Profile' Bug

It appears that by installing update KB4535996, certain users are running into the temporary user profile problem. I described the bug in the blog post Windows 10: Update KB4532693 kills user data/profile for the previous update.

Last weekend EP left a comment (thanks), which referred to this Dutch forum. There are discussions about issues with the temporary profile caused by update KB4535996. Woody Leonhard started this thread on this topic.

Within my German blog post Windows 10 Version 190x: Update KB4535996 (published yesterday) I got then another comment confirming the temporary profile issue. At German site Dr. Windows is an article about this update, where I read another user comment with the same issue:

On Friday evening the new updates installed and this morning a temporary profile…

Anyone else who has run into this problem with temporary user profiles?

Update causes write bursts to SSD

German blog reader Steffen refers in this comment to this article comment on A user describes the following effect:

After I installed this update, I noticed that the "System" process was hammering my SSD with disk writes. The disk usage was 100%, at a rate of writing 1.5 GB/s. I left it for a few hours thinking it would stop. 6 terabytes written later (!!!), and I uninstalled the update. The writes to disk immediately stopped. Beware of this update!

But I haven't seen more posts with this error description.

'Update requires attention' notification

In Tens forum I found this comment from a user who made a strange observation:

Since updating my machines they now all show "Windows Update Attention Needed" on the settings front page. But checking for updates they're up to date and there are no notifications or messages to say what the problem is.
Anyone else seen this?

He constantly gets the hint that a Windows Update needs attention, but there is no information where it is stuck. We have had this behavior

Audio issues

In the Tensforum there is this comment of the user canibal, who criticizes a degraded audio quality.

My audio Quality becomes distortion and very bad like a trash after installed this cumulative update. this cumulative I kicked it from my system.

Within my German blog I got this comment, where a user reported, that the sound output has stalled after installing the update.

At there is this thread, where also framedrops in graphics output are claimed.

SignTool.exe broken

Addendum: In Windows there is a programm called SignTool.exe, that may be used to sign anc check files. According to this Technet forum post and this report, more and more administrators are claiming that the tool crashes after installing the optional update.

Installation errors and problem reports

Some users are not offered the update or there are installation errors. In this article there are mentions, that the update hangs between 0 and 99% during installation. Some users get the error codes 0x800F0922, 0x80070003 (ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND), 0x800f0922, 0x8000ffff and 0x800f0826 (see also).

Just a suspicion: Installed third-party virus scanners could be the cause of such error messages.

Here (and here) are posts in German Microsoft Answers forums reporting install errror 0x800f0988. Error code 0x800f0988 notifies about error within the registry and/or in files located in WinSxS folder and stands for:


In a German comment here by Ulf here in the blog, the installation error 0x800f0900 is complained about. For both error codes I did not find any further explanations in my sources. Inspecting the CBS.log file could help to find out the root issues for this error. German blog reader Karl Heinz mentioned here a BSOD after 20 minutes. And within this MS Answers forum thread users complain about freezing or boot issues on their systems or flickering screen after login. There are also problem reports on Windows Report, but they are still related to the preview.

Usually only a) not installing the optional Windows 10 Update KB4535996 can help here, because this must be explicitly initiated for download. And b) if it was installed, the update has to be uninstalled. To do this, go to the settings page and click on 'Update and Security'- Windows Update'. There is a hyperlink to display the update history and on this page you will find a command to uninstall a selected update.

Similar article:
Windows 10 Version 190x: Update KB4535996 (Feb. 27, 2020)
Windows 8.1: Update KB4537821 kills also user profiles
Windows 10: Update KB4532693 kills user data/profile
Windows 10 and Windows 8.1 Updates (Feb. 25, 2020)
Windows 8.1/10: What's the status of the user profile bug?

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3 Responses to Windows 10 V190x: Issues with Update KB4535996

  1. Chris Pugson says:

    I experienced intermittent temporary profiles with Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit for several years. I still use that system but the behaviour was last seen several months ago. A restart would allow the normal profile to resume. I was not able to identify any clues or coincidental details about why it happened.

  2. Chris Pugson says:

    I omitted to say that I have unpaid responsibility for eleven Windows 10 1909 installations which are used by friends and relatives. None of these has exhibited the temporary profile bug following the installation of Update KB4535996. I have a hunch that your emphasis in these excellent pages is on the commercial use of Windows where such bugs matter greatly for the businesses using Windows.

    Many home users of Windows are not equal to observing the careful management of Windows 10 updates which you so helpfully describe. To the average home user, Windows is a consumer product which Microsoft is unfortunately unable to sustain at an acceptable quality, thanks to Mr Nadella's economies.

  3. Shanvi says:

    I experienced intermittent temporary profiles with Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit for several years. I still use that system but the behaviour was last seen several months ago. A restart would allow the normal profile to resume. I was not able to identify any clues or coincidental details about why it happened.

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