Operating System / Windows / Browser Share (Feb. 2020)

[German]We already have March 2020, and Windows 7 has already fallen out of support in January. So it is time to take a look at the current market share of desktop operating systems as of late February 2020.

Windows dominates the desktop

Looking at the latest figures from netmarketshare.com (up to February 2020), Windows still runs on 88.20% (Jan. 2020: 88.14%) of desktop systems. Mac OS runs 9.42% (Jan. 2020: 9.74%), while Linux runs 1.82% (Jan. 1.4%) of systems. So there is virtually no real change in market share, Windows dominates the desktop and even won slightly.

Desktop Operatingsystem Share 2/2020
(Operating system desktop 2-2020, Source: netmarketshare.com)

Desktop versions at a glance

In the analysis of the operating system share by version, the NetMarketShare website reports the following figures for the end of February 2020:

  • Windows 10 comes to 57.39% (previous month 57.08%),
  • Windows 7 is at 25.20% (previous month 25.56%),
  • Windows 8.1 still comes in at 3.48% (previous month 3.38%),
  • and macOS 10.14 comes to 2.77 % (previous month 3.12 %).

So Windows 10 could increase slightly compared to January 2020, the end of support for Windows 7 in January 2020 has shown its effect. However, Windows 7 has hardly lost any market share, but still runs on every fourth desktop system.

Betriebssystemanteile Windows 2-2020, Quelle: netmarketshare.com
(Operating system shares Windows 2-2020, source: netmarketshare.com)

Somewhat astonished me the decline in macOS, which is already the 2nd month in a row – but this may be due to statistical fluctuations. With 1.36% (average value over 12 months) Linux does not actually appear in the above chart. But what you can also state: The change from Windows 7 to Windows 10 did not take place in February 2020 either. People are sticking with the operating systems currently in use.

Browser share on the desktop

Also this month I would like to take a look at the browser distribution on the desktop, because in January 2020 the Chromium Edge was introduced as an innovation. Among the browsers on desktops, Google Chrome is the undisputed leader with 67.27%, followed by Firefox (7.57%). The new Chromium Edge jumps to 7.39% (previous month 7.09%) and Internet Explorer comes in at 6.11% (previous month 6.24%). There are hardly any changes to the previous month.

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