Windows 10: Forced update to 2004 for old versions?

[German]Currently, it looks like Microsoft is opening all the floodgates on Windows 10 and forcing machines with older operating system versions to upgrade to the current Windows 10 version. Here is some information about what has come to my attention.

Windows 10 V1809: forced update to 2004

Blog reader Andi contacted me by mail and reported about a strange observation. Andi writes about it:

Win 10 v1809, forced function update 2 months too early?

on my HP notebook I still run a v1809 of Windows 10. the machine is not running every day. To download and install the system updates I use the Windows Update Mini Tool (WUMT).

Until the day before yesterday, the tool showed me the 2020-07 updates for Windows 10 (I always wait about 2 weeks before installing the updates). Yesterday evening, however, these updates were no longer offered, but instead the function update to v1903. I picked the 2020-07 updates from the MS Update Catalog and installed them manually.

As far as I know, the support for v1809 Corona will run until September. Have you ever heard of MS withholding regular updates from users in order to "force" people to update to the next feature update, which in my case wouldn't be due for 2 months (at the earliest)? Maybe a "question in the round" on your blog is worth.

There is little to add to the description – I had addressed tjat in the article Windows 10 V1809: Auto Update to Version 2004 has begun?, although support for this Windows 10 version will be available until November 2020, see Support extension for Windows 10 V1809 until Nov. 2020.

A second voice on this topic

Duality of events: When I was writing this blog post, I came across the article Windows 10 2004: Ältere Versionen (1809) bekommen nun verstärkt die neue Version from the colleagues of German site The colleagues noticed an update of the release notes for Windows 10 2004. Would explain, why some users are facing now forced updates again. Addemdum: I just came across the article Microsoft to start pushing out Windows 10 2004 to reluctant upgraders at MS Power User, claiming the same.

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2 Responses to Windows 10: Forced update to 2004 for old versions?

  1. Chris Pugson says:

    The old Microsoft of the Bill Gates era is now history.

  2. com says:

    They force update even old windows 10 1507 to 1903 and 1511 & 1607 to 1809

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