Windows network printer offline/blocked due to Malwarebytes, fix available as beta

[German]Another short note for users of Malwarebytes security solutions. Since October 20, 2020, users have been reporting and complaining that their network printers are offline under Windows. In the meantime, Malwarebytes has released a beta version with a correction that should fix the problem.

Thread in the Malwarebytes forum

In the Malwarebytes forum there is this 4-page thread, where the thread starter complains about a problem with his network printer on October 20, 2020.

Malwarebytes is blocking my network printer that is configured on a TCP/IP port.  Printer is a Ricoh IM C4500

When I print, printer is shown as offline.  I exit Malwarebytes, it prints.

I just tried to narrow it down and I turned off in this order web protection, malware, ransomware, exploit.  Printer did not go back online until exploit (so all 4 was off).

The affected person was able to trace the problem directly back to malware bytes. In the Malwarebytes forum I found this entry from October 20, 2020, where the Web Protection service is held responsible as the cause. In this forum thread a support employee gives the tip to stop the Web Protection via context menu and then print it.

Patch as Beta available

As of November 5, 2020 I found this post in the forum. There is supposed to be a beta version of Malwarebytes which fixed the problem for the user in question. According to this Malwarebytes support post, there is an update to the Web Protection support module. In the thread there was a another hint that the beta update for Malwarebyte version with the component package 1.0.1112 should finally fix the issue (the probably still had problems). 

Malwarebytes-Update für Druckerprobleme

In the announcement here I haven't read about this fix yet. But the colleagues from Bleeping Computer state in this article that the beta update fixes the problem with the offline network printers. In the article there are also hints how to get this beta update installed. Anyone of you affected? And if so, can you confirm that the fix works?

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