Will Samsung users soon face Microsoft account lockout and loose access to content?

[German]Brief information, after a blog reader send me a question/hint. Samsung has teamed up with Microsoft and will soon host the Samsung Cloud at OneDrive. That raises concerns that Samsung Cloud users may facing similar issues like OneDrive users: Microsoft could lock an OneDrive account without notification, claiming violation of terms of use. Here's some information sorted out about that. 

Microsoft takes over the Samsung Cloud

I had reported it in August 2020 in the German article Samsung Cloud verwirft Premium-Speicher, setzt auf OneDrive (Samsung Cloud discards premium storage, relies on OneDrive). The company is simply going away with the Gallery Sync and Drive storage features on Samsung smartphones. New users will no longer be able to book the features in question since October 2020. However, there is the option to migrate to OneDrive or download the own data.

Users who have a premium storage subscription plan with Samsung will have it automatically canceled, and there will be a refund of the overpaid fees, if applicable. As of April 2021, the features can no longer be used and OneDrive migration support ended. On June 30, 2021, Samsung will delete the data that was stored in the Samsung Cloud.

The crux with the OneDrive account lockouts

I had addressed it within the article mentioned above, that users have the option to move to Microsoft's OneDrive to store it's photos, but should first read my article Microsoft's account suspensions and the OneDrive 'nude' photos. Problem is, Microsoft scans the OneDrive content, and locks out users without a warning, if a violation of its terms of service (TOS) is detected or assumed. Then the content is lost – and there is no defined procedure to get back control. 

A reader's hint

German blog reader Alex F. emailed me the day before yesterday, reminding me of the very scenario that is stuck here in the blog and briefly outlined above. Alex wrote:

Dear Mr. Born,

I read with interest your article about Onedrive problems of customers. It happened several times in the past that Onedrive customers had their accounts blocked because of revealing photos or naked babies.

In this regard, a NEW problem is looming for a great many people: Onedrive is taking over Samsung's cloud. The first announcements came three or four months ago. It could be that many clouds are blocked in Onedrive because the AI strikes.

The problem may not be the user's photos, but various cartoons in Fotoart (I'll call it that now). Thanks to social networks, various "critical images" are circulating that automatically reach smartphones and other devices via Messenger.

I currently have no problem in this regard, since I have not yet started the synchronization. The reason for my mail is the following questions:

Have you heard about this new problem?

Will you write a new Samsung-related article about this issue?

First, no, I have not heard of this new problem, but that means nothing. And there are cases, where the OneDrive accounts are locked, after users has uploaded huge amount of data – the scenario, that is typical for syncing with OneDrive to upload photos obtained from the Samsung cloud. I got some feedback, that also larger uploads could trigger Onedrive account locks. Thanks to Alex for reminding me that the topic is still pending.

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3 Responses to Will Samsung users soon face Microsoft account lockout and loose access to content?

  1. Raymond Cohen says:

    If so many people are having this issue like myself, why aren't they organizing a class action suit against Microsoft?
    The issue is serious and many people have their entire mails and data blocked for an issue that is not theirs.
    Microsoft is doing everything to get as many clients as possible but afterwards behaving like thugs.

  2. James says:

    I've been fighting with Microsoft over this exact problem since December. I've now filed a complaint with the Canadian privacy officer, and am awaiting word on that.

    • guenni says:

      Thx, keep us updated. The best I can do: Collect such cases within my blogs – to create publicity.

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