Microsoft license comparisons

Are you still looking through Microsoft's licensing for Office 365 and Microsoft 365 and know which licenses you bought? Someone enlisted Glenton Davis, Sr. Product Marketing Manager at Microsoft, to compare the licensing offered to Microsoft in these areas.

Fun factor aside, the author of the linked article was also able to bamboozle this Microsoft expert on some CAS unified labeling features after the marketing manager educated the author on the new Microsoft 365 Security E5 plan. To say the least, Microsoft subscriptions are kind of confusing. Most importantly, there is no direct overview at Microsoft to compare each subscription.

Microsoft Licensing comparison

At the end of the day, some users wonder what they actually bought. The other day I came across a post by Catalin Cimpanu on Twitter, in which he links to this article. There, the author shows various overviews for Microsoft licenses – perhaps of interest to one or the other of you. Btw: There is also this site with helpful comparisons.

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