The messenger service Telegram has been down between 3:00 p.m. and around 6:00 p.m. MEZ. The outage seems to have affected users worldwide.
I didn't catch it directly, but on Twitter Telegram posted the following tweet about the disruption about 1 hour ago. It confirms a disruption in East Asia, Indonesia, India and Australia, but it is said to be fixed.
I checked ( for German users) regarding the malfunction and was presented with the following timed display.
Many users were unable to log into the service between 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m., had problems with the app or the server connection. Twitter is floaded with memes about this outage – see this search. Someone from India got to the heart of it with a tweet showing the Telegram user base heading to Twitter – hence why this network is lame.
The colleagues from Bleeping Computer have meanwhile published this article about the glitch. When trying to access the Telegram app, users would have received the error messages "Updating" or "Connecting", they say. Telegram experienced an outage in the US, Europe, India, Japan, Australia and other parts of the world. Anyone affected by this outage?