Citrix Workspace App 2204: Windows offline installation fails because of WebView2 missing

Windows[German]On 24 March 2022, Citrix released the Workspace App 2204. This enables audio redirection, has support for an improved Single Sign-On (SSO) for web and SaaS applications, as one can read in this Citrix document. But there is also a problem: an offline installation fails when the installer does not find the MicrosoftEdge WebView2 component.

I came across this issue the other day via the following tweet – whereby Citrix has mentioned this as a known problem in this Citrix document.


Citrix Workspace App 2204

The installation of MicrosoftEdgeWebView2RuntimeInstallerX86.exe should solve the issue. Dennis Mohrmann, Citrix Technology Advocate (CTA), points out that the problem was already the case in earlier versions of the app. Thorsten E. asks how it is with 64-bit versions.  It looks like MicrosoftEdge WebView2 is a 32-bit component, so the runtime installer should be sufficient.

The WebView2 installer is bundled with the Citrix Workspace installer, but it is an online installer, not the offline installer. So if the machine is offline or firewall rules block the download of WebView2, the Workspace installer will fail.

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