Microsoft advises end of support for Exchange Server 2013 on April 11, 2023

Exchange Logo[German]Microsoft's on-premises solution Exchange Server 2013 is already a few years old and will reach the end of its support in April 2023. Microsoft has taken this as an opportunity to inform administrators who are still using Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 that they have less than 90 days to migrate to successor systems.

I had already pointed out in the blog post Exchange Server Security Updates (January 10, 2023), that Microsoft Exchange 2013 reached end of support in April 2023. Now Microsoft has reminded again about this support end in this Techcommunity post. It came to my attention via the following tweet from Scott Schnoll, Senior Product Marketing Manager for Exchange Online and Exchange Server.

Exchange Server 2013 reaching end of support (end of life)

On April 11, 2023 (i.e., less than 90 days), Exchange Server 2013 will receive security updates for the last time and will therefore fall out of support. For administrators this has the following consequences:

  • no more technical support for problems that occur
  • no bug fixes for discovered issues that may affect the stability and usability of the server
  • no more security updates for discovered vulnerabilities that can make the server vulnerable to attacks
  • no more time zone updates

Exchange Server 2013 will, of course, continue to run after this date, and with the (expected) last patch as of April 2023, Exchange Server 2013 will not be insecure on April 12, 2023. But because of the risks and limitations mentioned above, Microsoft recommends that organizations migrate from Exchange Server 2013 to a successor version as soon as possible.

Migration to successor

Migration from Exchange Server 2013 to Exchange Online or Exchange Server 2019 is recommended, and the process should be started promptly. Microsoft has published the two articles linked below on migration.

To upgrade to Exchange Server 2019, Microsoft has provided some information on Exchange Server 2019 system requirements in this document.

Microsoft FastTrack

For organizations migrating to Exchange Online, Microsoft provides the FastTrack service. FastTrack provides best practices, tools and resources to make the migration to Exchange Online as smooth as possible. Those eligible for FastTrack can have a Microsoft support engineer guide them from planning and design through migration. More information about FastTrack can be found on this website.

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Exchange Server Security Updates (January 10, 2023)
Microsoft Exchange January 2023 patchday issues

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