Windows Explorer issues since Adobe Sync deactivation; fixed in Feb. 2024

Windows[German]A little information for Windows 10/11 users who also use Adobe's Creative Cloud. It seems that some of these users have "recently" started to suffer from problems with Windows Explorer. It reacts extremely slowly when changing folders and file selection is hardly possible. The cause is the deactivation of Adobe synchronization with the cloud. As a result, an Adobe operating system extension for Windows no longer worked. There was a simple workaround for those affected, but Adobe has now also provided a fix.

I'm publishing the information here in a separate blog post after blog reader Nicki M. drew my attention to the problem by email at the beginning of February 2024 (thanks for that). Under the title Problems with Windows Explorer since Adobe Sync deactivation, he wrote to me that he had "debugged an interesting phenomenon". Unfortunately, the post has been left lying around for a while – but I'm posting the information on the blog as a precaution.

Trouble for Creative Cloud users

Many Creative Cloud users are reporting around 5-7 February 2024 that Windows Explorer has become very slow "in the last few days" and everyone is experiencing the same problem. When clicking on folders/files in File Explorer, the cursor flashes three times and it takes 2-3 seconds for the folder/file to load on any drive.

On there is this description from an affected person, and here is also another. When the user clicks on a file or folder, the loading icon appears instead of the cursor, then the cursor, then the loading wheel, then the cursor again. All in all, it takes about 2 seconds. If you select several files by dragging, the cursor changes for each file. The same process also takes place when opening a document.

Adobe Sync shutdown

On 6 February 2024, the Adobe Community published the post Major issue – Adobe's ending of of Cloud Syncing seems to have damaged windows explorer for many, which sheds light on the issue. It contains the above error description that Windows Explorer has become very slow "in the last few days". At the same time, three posts with problem reports from are linked. What they all have in common is that the users there have installed Creative Cloud.

A workaround was to block access to the folder in the following path by revoking the NTFS access rights. This made it possible to work with Windows Explorer again because the Adobe OS Extensions could no longer be loaded.

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Adobe OS Extension\

On 7 February 2024, an employee from Adobe came forward and explained that they had found the cause and were planning a fix. This was made available on 8 February 2024 and can be installed via 'Check for Updates' in the Creative Cloud apps. The background to this is probably the deactivation of synchronization with the Adobe Cloud, which then had the effect on Windows Explorer. No idea if anyone was affected – but the problem should have been fixed since 8/9 February.

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