Microsoft has adjusted the DKIM value for signing emails in Office 365

Mail[German]Quick note for administrators of Microsoft Office 365 (or MS365) systems. Microsoft has adjusted the DKIM value for signing emails without much notice.

DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) is a method of email authentication that can be used to verify emails sent from your Microsoft 365 organization to prevent spoofed senders used in business email compromise (BEC), ransomware and other phishing attacks.

Microsoft has published the support article Setting up DKIM to sign emails from your Microsoft 365 domain, which explains how to set up DKIM for Office 365. The syntax of the CNAME entries is described in a separate section.

Office 365 DKIM
DKIM entries for Office 365, Click to zoom

Luca S. sent me an e-mail pointing out that Microsoft had simply adjusted the value of the CNAME entry in DKIM without communicating this. Other German users commented, that the CNAME entries in their Microsoft 365 tenants are shown with the old entries within the administrator center.

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