Windows 10 Version 1607: Freeze issue confirmed

Since release some users are reporting serious issues with Windows 10 Anniversary Update. One issue is a "the whole system freeze after startup", so the user is forced to switch off the computer. It seems that Microsoft now investigate this issue.

I've blogged about that issue in my German blog post Windows 10 Anniversary Update: System friert ein – but you can read this thread, where a user collects workarounds for this issue. Some people are reporting a fresh install using Media Creation Tool to create a media did help. Others found out that moving the appx install path for apps back to Windows partition helps. The most reliable solution is a rollback to Version 1511 of Windows 10.

Microsoft confirms the issue

At Microsoft Answers Forum there is a thread Windows 10 may freeze after installing the Anniversary Update, where a Microsoft Forum Moderator confirms that issue.

Microsoft has received a small number of reports of Windows 10 freezing after installing the Anniversary Update on systems with the operating system stored on a solid-state drive (SSD) and apps and data stored on a separate drive. This issue does not occur when starting Windows 10 in Safe Mode.

Microsoft claims that only a small number of users are facing this issue, and only, if data or apps are stored on a separate drive away from Windows drive. This is a typical scenario, when users are working with a small SSD that keeps only Windows 10, while data are stored on a hard disk. Microsoft suggests two workarounds till the issue is fixed:

  • Boot into safe mode and move the install location for Apps back to Windows drive.
  • Try a rollback to Windows 10 Version 1511 (if the system freeze after login, boot into safe mode and do the rollback).

The thread contains detailed step by step instructions to boot into the safe mode and how to rollback to Version 1511. (via)

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