Acronis changes user unintentionally settings again(Sept. 2021)

Amazon[German]Question for people who use Acronis True Image (ATI) for backup. A blog reader pointed out a recurring problem with ATI to me back in late September 2021. The software seems to again forget or automatically change settings that the user has made. I am interested to know if there were or still are more people affected. Here is a summary of the facts.

Review: We've seen this before in 2019

German blog reader Martin K. had alerted me to problems with Acronis True Image in October 2019, stating that the software had reset large portions of the user's settings in backup jobs to default values. There has been several forum posts, where users describes such experiences. One user wrote:

Martin K.

I created my monthly backups yesterday with ATI 2018 and ATI 2020 ( Cloud ). No more mail notification is sent after completion / error etc although set in the account.

I had covered this case extensively within the blog post Acronis True Image is loosing settings since Oct. 2019. Ende At the end of December 2019, Acronis then provided the explanation for the problem that the software forgot the backup settings, see my post Acronis True Image: Root cause for Backup settings issue.

New case 2021?

At the end of September 2021, I received an email from a German blog reader titled Acronis changes settings again unintentionally in which he linked to the post Arcronis True Image verliert Backupeinstellungen, ERNEUT! in German forum There the user wrote:

at a few customers I have Acronis True Image in versions 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 in use. About two years ago, several instances on different clients suddenly lost their settings. This affected for example the mail notification or the backup options were reset to default values. If one gets the mail notification directly, the change of the backup options can happen unnoticed.

In the post on was then referred to my two blog posts mentioned above, where the whole 2019 was described already. In Sept. 2021, the affected person faced the issue that several instances of ATI again forgot their settings, at least partially. In total, 10 out of 30 packages at this service provider were affected. In detail, the poster gives the following error patterns:

  • Partly I lost a backup history of over 150 days, because the software suddenly cleans the backups after a few days!
  • On other installations the backup targets are running full, because there is no cleanup at all!
  • Or I get meaningful error messages like "The tag 'script' in the script '05C7CC2E-7C82-446C-B1BB-90CA8E5B6C8C' could not be processed."

The affected person contacted Acronis support. They replied that the old ATI versions were out of support and that the customer should update to Acronis Cyber Protect Home Office. But this is not everyone's most fervent wish. With this state, the concerned person posted the following instructions to be able to work with the old packages again:

  • Stop and disable the Acronis Managed Machine Service Mini service.
  • Installing an update for the Acronis product, re-enables the service
  • Check settings. To do this, simply make a change (e.g. time) and save it
  • If there is an error message or the settings afterwards are "different", this instance is affected
  • Then delete the backup and create it again

In the post on, the person affected posted some more error dialogs that were displayed. Final question in the round: Was anyone else of you affected? I don't use ATI myself, but I'm getting the impression that you should keep your hands off the product.

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Acronis True Image is loosing settings since Oct. 2019
Acronis True Image: Root cause for Backup settings issue

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One Response to Acronis changes user unintentionally settings again(Sept. 2021)

  1. wyxchari says:

    The last good version of this program was 2016. It is the one that I continue to use. From 2017 onwards they removed many functions and it has many bugs.

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