VirtualBox is causing file system error (-1073741819)

[German]Another brief information for users of Windows 10 who install the operating system as a guest on VirtualBox and run it on the file system error (-1073741819).

Error: UAC suddenly fails

Sometimes users of Windows 10 may experience problems with user account control and the administrator account no longer working. Users fail to perform administrative tasks because user account control cannot be executed correctly.

When UAC is called, the error message' Extended attributes are inconsistent' or the file system error – (1073741819) is returned. The problem can occur with all current versions of Windows.

An analysis and the most common cause

I've covered the file system error (-1073741819) extensively within my blog post Windows 10: file system error (-1073741819) – 'extended attributes are inconsistent'. The cause for tis error is mostly an incompatible third party codec.

This codec then prevents a sound output when activating the user account control, which results in the above-mentioned error message. A workaround consists of deactivating the sound output. A final fix requires that the disruptive foreign codecs are uninstalled (see my blog post above).

VirtualBox and die 3D Acceleration

Recently, I discovered another error source. I am notified about posts within the Microsoft Answers forum thread post File System error (-1073741819) on Windows 10. A user responded with the following information:

None of the solutions presented in this thread worked for me. Here's what did work.

I was running Windows 10 in Virtualbox. In the VM settings, Display section, Screen: Uncheck „Enable 3D Acceleration".

(That solved a lot of other weird glitches, too.)

He has opened the settings page of the VirtualBox guest operating system, selected Display and has unchecked Enable 3D Acceleration.

(See also this screenshot for settings in English)

After that, the problem with the file system error (-1073741819) was gone. Maybe it will help some VirtualBox users.

Similar articles:
Windows 10: file system error (-1073741819) – 'extended attributes are inconsistent'
VirtualBox 5.1.28: Issues with Windows 10 guests

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8 Responses to VirtualBox is causing file system error (-1073741819)

  1. richard says:


    I second that.
    disabeling 3D-acceleration did the trick for me.

    I'm running: Win 10 on virtualbox Version 10.0.15063 Build 15063
    and had lost all ability to do admin tasks inside the VM.

    ps. aggressive mumbling: I hate it when nonsense like that happens, argghhh

  2. Yep says:

    Thank you for this! Why do I feel like I'm a constant beta-tester?

  3. Luciano says:

    The tip about 3D solved my problem! :-)

  4. Roman says:

    Thanks, disabling 3D acceleration worked!

  5. Charles says:

    +1 Disabling 3D Acceleration resolved the problem

  6. jj says:

    hi 3D acceleration was the problem for me too

  7. Pingback: -1073741819 error in VirtualBox | God only knows good vibrations

  8. nono says:

    I lost many hours installing a new VM before find this post.

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