[German]At the start of the week a brief information. I had expected it earlier, but now Amazon's Java with the name Corretto is generally available als OpenJDK and as JRE (run time environment). And it's free with 5 years support.
I had written about that topic in mid-January 2018 in the blog post Java 8 Update 201 released: Oracle has announced, that using Java in business environments requires a license. Only with a license updates will be available for Java 8 – and support will ends in December 2020.
Amazons Java Distribution Corretto
Under the name Amazon Corretto, the company is developing a free, cross-platform, production-ready distribution of the Open Java Development Kit (OpenJDK). Corretto will receive long-term support that includes performance and security enhancements.
Amazon uses Corretto internally for thousands of production services. Corretto is compatible with the Java SE standard. With Corretto, users can develop and run Java applications on popular operating systems such as Amazon Linux 2, Windows and macOS.
Great thing, you can more or less bypass Oracle's approach of requiring licenses for Java by switching to Corretto. Amazon offer a Java 8 runtime replacement with 5 years of support. For version 8 there will be free updates until 2023. And until April 2019 a Java 11 runtime replacement will also be available.
So far Corretto for Windows was only available as a preview, and on the Amazon page with the description there is also a preview. Amazon has released now OpenJDK version 8u202 as JDK (Java Development Kit) and as JRE (Java Runtime Environment). The download page contains only the final version of the JDK and the runtime environment JRE. This is available for Windows 7 or higher as 32- and 64-bit environment (also as MSI installer). Furthermore there are versions for macOS 10.10 and higher as well as Amazon Linux 2 x64 and some other Linux variants. The downloads can be found on this Amazon page.