[German version]Currently many users are trying to upgrade an existing System to Windows 8 Pro – using the upgrade advisor. The advisor checks compatibility and downloads Windows 8 Pro update. A little odd: Some users are receiving an error message shortly after invoking the wizard, reporting „Internal Error: Error retrieving the scan report“. I wrote this article to give some clue, how to fix probably this issue.
As mentioned above, the upgrade wizard reports an error „Internal Error: Error retrieving the scan report“ after invoking (below is a German version of the window).
Because I haven’t an upgrade version of Windows 8 Pro, I can’t simulate this error. But I did some research and came to some hints – how to diagnose and fix the issue.
My first idea was, to ask people to publish log files. Some people already did it. First I searched in German websites, later I tried to do a search for English websites. After several attempt to translate the German error message, I found this thread [5]. One guy has published some logs.
2012-10-28 08:04:42, Error CONX [ConX::Compatibility::Wica::RunScanner] application scan returned an error – 1.[gle=0x00000715]
2012-10-28 08:04:42, Error CONX [ConX::Compatibility::Wica::StartScanInternal] [0x80070001] Failed at 859[gle=0x00000715]
2012-10-28 08:04:42, Error CONX ConX::Compatibility::CCompatibilityHost::SetScanResult: Compat scan from provider wsc:wica: failed. HRESULT = 0x80070001[gle=0x00000490]
2012-10-28 08:04:42, Error CONX An error occurred during the scan. HRESULT = 0x80070001.
2012-10-28 08:04:42, Error CONX ConX::Setup::Web::CWebSetupApp::ShowErrorMessage: Funci�n incorrecta.
[Error: 0x80070001.][gle=0x00000490]
And the error marked above in bold gle=0x00000715 brought me a bit further. It’s possible, to inspect the log files setupact.log and setuperr.log. Here are parts of this logs from another user:
2012-10-27 19:37:12, Info CONX ConX::Setup::Web::COnlineStore::WaitForWebCallToComplete: Waiting …
2012-10-27 19:37:12, Info [0x090009] PANTHR CBlackboard::Close: c:\users\greg\appdata\local\microsoft\websetup\panther\installinfo.
2012-10-27 19:37:12, Info CONX Uninitializing compatibility provider wsc:setup:…
2012-10-27 19:37:12, Info CONX Uninitializing
Although the lines are a bit cryptic, there was a hint (see log at [2]). I’ve used the information obtained to do a further search and came to the following hints to fix the issue.
- Remove all external devices from your system.
- If installed, remove Microsoft Office 2013 (Preview).
- Also remove software like
– Tuning tools (Tuneup),
– Internet security suites and anti virus software/firewalls,
– Daemon tools
etc. – in general my hints given at [b] (only in German) to prepare your old Windows system should be used.
If that doesn’t fix the issue, there is another “tabula rasa” trick – if the log files mention panther: Just navigate to folder \Windows\Panther and delete or rename this folder (requires administrator rights). Windows stores some setup-data and results within this folder.
After restarting you can check, whether the compatibility wizard runs successful. If setup wizard fails with the same error, you should try a clean install (burn the iso install file to a DVD, boot from DVD and install – if activation will be refused afterward, you can use this trick – should work also for Windows 8). Maybe you need to use another computer, to successfully download the upgrade files and burn it to a DVD.
Similar articles (only in German):
a: Installations-FAQ & Diagnose … Part 1
b: Windows 8 Installations-FAQ & Setup-Troubleshooting … Part 2
c: Windows 8 Pro-Upgrade: Black Screen-Troubleshooter
1: Microsoft Forendiskussion (German)
2: Microsoft Forendiskussion (Englisch)
3: WinFuture-Forendiskussion
4: Windows 7 Ugrade trick
5: Microsoft forum discussion (Englisch)
6: Microsoft forum discussion (Englisch)
the solution can also be easy.
i have stopt the virus/firewall software (i`m working with panda is2013).
after that start the task manager.
choose: processes from all users.
stop now all the running progs from the virus/firewall software what still is running after the stop.
now start the windows 8 upgrade assistant and when you are lucky then it is working well.
(by me it was the solution)
when you will buy w8 later then it is no problem. after an new start from the pc and then running the virus/firewall software the upgrade assistant is then working oke.