Microsoft Security Update Releases 27. November 2017

Noch eine kurze Information, die ich hier im Blog einstelle. Microsoft hat im November 2017 Informationen zu einer CVE und zu einem Security Advisory revidiert.

Die Revision bezieht sich auf Sicherheitslücken in Microsoft Office und hat nur informellen Charakter, da die Updates diese Sicherheitsprobleme berücksichtigen. Microsoft hat aber die Beschreibung ergänzt. Hier die betreffenden Informationen.

The following CVE and security advisory have been revised in the November 2017 Security Updates.

* CVE-2017-11882
* ADV170020

Revision Information:


– Title: CVE-2017-11882 | Microsoft Office Memory Corruption
– Reason for Revision: To comprehensively address CVE-2017-11882
   Microsoft is releasing security updates 4011604 for affected
   editions of Microsoft Office 2007 and 4011618 for affected editions of
   Microsoft Office 2010. Microsoft recommends that customers running
   these versions of Office install the updates to be protected from
   this vulnerability. Customers who have already installed the
   previously-released updates (4011276 or 2553204) do not need to
   take any further action.
– Originally posted: November 11, 2017 
– Updated: November 28, 2017
– CVE Severity Rating: Important
– Version: 2.0


– Title: ADV170020 | Microsoft Office Defense-in-Depth Update
– Reason for Revision: Revised the Affected Products table to include
   Microsoft Office Online Server 2016 because the update also provides
   enhanced security as a defense-in-depth measure. Microsoft
   recommends that customers running Office Online Server 2016 install
   update 4011020 for these enhanced security measures.
– Originally posted: November 11, 2017 
– Updated: November 28, 2017
– CVE Severity Rating: None
– Version: 2.0

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