[German Version]It’s cool, what we can do with an old Asus Eee PC 701G. I’ve experimented here a lot with Android x86 Ice Cream Sandwich on this machine. With a few modifcations, the netbook may be used as an Android machine and is capable to run Angry Birds or similar apps. In several articles I like to show, how to use Asus Eee PC 701 G (or other x86 machines) as Android devices. The first article is a kind of hands on.
Thanks for your article. I followed your instructions and I can’t start the angry birds on my Asus 4g. How can I know if the libraries are installed correctly? Any ideas what do people usually do wrong?
All I can say: If you proceeded the steps in the right order, it should work. Some Readers mentioned Trouble, but after re-processing all steps, it worked.
I don’t have an idea how to test houdini lib.
Thanks. I did try 3-4 times. i also tried an already compiled package from http://android-x86.sceners.org/ that one installed but did not boot up. Anyway. Thanks.
Hi Guys , I have Played Angry birds on my Lenovo with Intel-X86 platform using DuOS you can get the installer for your system from here : http://www.amiduos.com