OneDrive for Business-Bug: Speicherplatz niedriger als erwartet

Benutzer von OneDrive for Business können von einem kuriosen Fehler betroffen sein: Microsoft hat gerade bekannt gegeben, dass man einen Fehler untersucht, bei dem OneDrive for Business-Speichergrenzen der Benutzer niedriger als erwartet sind. Ergänzung: Details im Blog nachgetragen.

Aktuell testet Microsoft eine Lösung, und hofft damit das Problem zu beheben. Weitere Informationen werden im Admin Center unter OD280960 bereitgestellt.

Ergänzung: MSPU hat das Thema hier aufgegriffen – Bleeping Computer hat diesen Beitrag dazu publiziert – noch arbeitet Microsoft an diesem Problem.

Ergänzung 2: Blog-Leser Andreas P. hat mir die Nacht die Details aus Microsofts Statusbereich per E-Mail zukommen lassen – danke dafür. Hier die betreffenden Einträge:

Published Time: 27.08.2021 00:11:39

Title: Users‘ OneDrive for Business storage limits are lower than expected

User Impact: Users‘ OneDrive for Business storage limits are lower than expected.

More info: For any quota which exceeds the 1TB storage quota, users may only be able to see their content in read-only mode.

Whilst in read-only mode, users can access their content in OneDrive for Business, but are unable to make changes.

Current status: The deployment has completed successfully. Additionally, we’ve identified that the fix will take approximately 24 hours to take full effect. We’ll continue to closely monitor the environment during this timeframe to ensure the service remains in a healthy state, and that the fix progresses as intended.

Scope of impact: This issue affects a large subset of users worldwide.

Estimated time to resolution: Friday, August 27, 2021, at 10:00 PM UTC

Preliminary root cause: A misconfiguration that resulted in our internal systems not recognizing user licenses and reverting the storage quota limit to the default settings of 1TB.

Next update by: Friday, August 27, 2021, at 11:00 PM UTC

Published Time: 26.08.2021 23:00:32

Title: Users‘ OneDrive for Business storage limits are lower than expected

User Impact: Users‘ OneDrive for Business storage limits are lower than expected.

More info: For any quota which exceeds the 1TB storage quota, users may only be able to see their content in read-only mode.

Whilst in read-only mode, users can access their content in OneDrive for Business, but are unable to make changes.

Current status: The targeted deployment remediated impact as expected, and we’re in the process of expanding the deployment to all affected users. We’ll continue to monitor the environment while the fix saturates to ensure it completes successfully.

Scope of impact: This issue affects a larger subset of users worldwide.

Preliminary root cause: An error occurred, resulting in the system not recognizing user licenses and reverting the storage quota limit to the default settings of 1TB.

Next update by: Thursday, August 26, 2021, at 11:00 PM UTC

Published Time: 26.08.2021 20:57:45

Title: Users‘ OneDrive for Business storage limits are lower than expected

User Impact: Users‘ OneDrive for Business storage limits are lower than expected.

More info: For any quota which exceeds the 1TB storage quota, users may only be able to see their content in read-only mode.

Whilst in read-only mode, users can access their content in OneDrive for Business, but are unable to make changes.

We’d like to get your feedback on the workaround we provided. From a non-mobile device, please rate this post and submit it in the textbox.

Current status: We’ve initiated the deployment of the fix in a limited environment to ensure it resolves impact as expected. Once confirmed, we’ll proceed with expanding the deployment to all affected users. By design, this fix is expected to restore all affected users to the default storage quota of five terabytes.

Scope of impact: Further investigation has identified that this issue may impact users outside of the previously communicated timeframe, we apologize for any inconvenience or confusion this may have caused. Currently, our telemetry indicates that this issue affects a larger subset of users worldwide, including those not within the aforementioned criteria.

Preliminary root cause: An exception is not recognizing user licenses and reverting the storage quota limit to the default settings of 1TB.

Next update by: Thursday, August 26, 2021, at 9:00 PM UTC

Published Time: 26.08.2021 19:59:13

We’re continuing to monitor customer feedback and are adjusting our messaging in an effort to make it more clear.

Our understanding of the issue is evolving and real time customer feedback is invaluable and appreciated. From a non-mobile device, please rate this post and let us know if our updates have provided greater clarity via the text box.

This quick update is designed to give the latest information on this issue.

Published Time: 26.08.2021 19:25:36

Title: Users‘ OneDrive for Business storage limits are lower than expected

User Impact: Users‘ OneDrive for Business storage limits are lower than expected.

We’ve determined that the previously provided workaround is not viable or functioning as expected for all affected users and have removed that guidance from this message. We apologize for any inconvenience or confusion this may have caused.

This quick update is designed to give the latest information on this issue.

Published Time: 26.08.2021 18:00:33

Title: Users‘ OneDrive for Business storage limits are lower than expected

User Impact: Users‘ OneDrive for Business storage limits are lower than expected.

More info: For any content which exceeds the 1TB storage quota, users may only be able to see their content in read-only mode.

Whilst in read-only mode, users can access their content in OneDrive for Business, but are unable to make changes.

We’d like to get your feedback on the workaround we provided. From a non-mobile device, please rate this post and submit it in the textbox.

Current status: We’ve validated that the mitigation steps successfully resolve this issue and we’ll begin deployment once the full scope of impacted users has been determined. Our effort to determine the full scope of impacted users is ongoing, and due to the complex nature of this activity, make take an extended amount of time to complete.

Scope of impact: Impact is specific to users who made changes to their quota settings from approximately August 13, 2021, to approximately August 25, 2021, when the impacting change was made.

Preliminary root cause: An exception is not recognizing user licenses and reverting the storage quota limit to the default settings of 1TB.

Next update by: Thursday, August 26, 2021, at 7:00 PM UTC

Published Time: 26.08.2021 16:54:53

Title: Users‘ OneDrive for Business storage limits are lower than expected

User Impact: Users‘ OneDrive for Business storage limits are lower than expected.

More info: As a workaround, admins can individually set the quota for impacted users.

We’d like to get your feedback on the workaround we provided. From a non-mobile device, please rate this post and submit it in the textbox.

For any content which exceeds the 1TB storage quota, users may only be able to see their content in read-only mode.

Whilst in read-only mode, users can access their content in OneDrive for Business, but are unable to make changes.

Current status: We’re gathering the list of affected users in order to apply the mitigation steps. Meanwhile, we’re validating our mitigation steps with a sample of users before applying them to all of the affected infrastructure.

Scope of impact: Impact is specific to users who made changes to their quota settings from approximately the 13th August to approximately the 25th August, when the impacting change was made.

Root cause: An exception is not recognizing user licenses and reverting the storage quota limit to the default settings of 1TB.

Next update by: Thursday, August 26, 2021, at 5:00 PM UTC

Published Time: 26.08.2021 15:26:16

Engineers are validating the mitigation on a sample of affected users and if successful, it will be deployed across the affected tenants.

Published Time: 26.08.2021 14:55:21

Title: Users‘ OneDrive for Business storage limits are lower than expected

User Impact: Users‘ OneDrive for Business storage limits are lower than expected.

More info: As a workaround, admins can individually set the quota for impacted users.

We’d like to get your feedback on the workaround we provided. From a non-mobile device, please rate this post and submit it in the textbox.

For any content which exceeds the 1TB storage quota, users may only be able to see their content in read-only mode.

Whilst in read-only mode, users can access their content in OneDrive for Business, but are unable to make changes.

Current status: We’ve identified a fix that involves reverting the recent changes in addition to re-aligning user quotas to what they are licensed for and reverting user’s quota to previously set state.

Scope of impact: Impact is specific to users who are served through the affected infrastructure.

Root cause: An exception is not recognizing user licenses and reverting the storage quota limit to the default settings of 1TB.

Next update by: Thursday, August 26, 2021, at 3:00 PM UTC

Published Time: 26.08.2021 14:30:29

Engineers are working on scaling the solution across the affected customers. This involves analysis of change log per tenant, align the user quota to the user licence and reverting user’s quota to previously set state.

Published Time: 26.08.2021 13:03:35

Title: Users‘ OneDrive for Business storage limits are lower than expected

User Impact: Users‘ OneDrive for Business storage limits are lower than expected.

More info: As a workaround, admins can individually set the quota for impacted users.

We’d like to get your feedback on the workaround we provided. From a non-mobile device, please rate this post and submit it in the textbox.

For any content which exceeds the 1TB storage quota, users may only be able to see their content in read-only mode.

Whilst in read-only mode, users can access their content in OneDrive for Business, but are unable to make changes.

Current status: We’re preparing to revert recent changes made to the quota settings to resolve the issue.

Scope of impact: Impact is specific to users who are served through the affected infrastructure.

Root cause: An exception is not recognizing user licenses and reverting the storage quota limit to the default settings of 1TB.

Next update by: Thursday, August 26, 2021, at 1:00 PM UTC

Published Time: 26.08.2021 11:05:57

Title: Users‘ OneDrive for Business storage limits are lower than expected

User Impact: Users‘ OneDrive for Business storage limits are lower than expected.

More info: For any content which exceeds the 1TB storage quota, users may only be able to see their content in read-only mode.

Whilst in read-only mode, users can access their content in OneDrive for Business, but are unable to make changes.

Current status: We’ve determined from the gathered logs that an exception is not recognizing user licenses and reverting the storage quota limit to the default settings of 1TB. We’re changing the way the quota is calculated, which should mitigate the issue.

Scope of impact: Impact is specific to users who are served through the affected infrastructure.

Next update by: Thursday, August 26, 2021, at 11:30 AM UTC

Published Time: 26.08.2021 09:07:37

Title: Users‘ OneDrive for Business storage limits are lower than expected

User Impact: Users‘ OneDrive for Business storage limits are lower than expected.

More info: Some users may also be in read-only mode during this event.

Whilst in read-only mode, users can access their content in OneDrive for Business, but are unable to make changes.

Current status: We’re continuing to review our available system data, whilst additionally working with your representatives to gather diagnostic logs to isolate the root cause of impact.

Scope of impact: Your organization is affected by this event, and any user may have lower than expected limits for their OneDrive for Business storage.

Next update by: Thursday, August 26, 2021, at 9:30 AM UTC

Published Time: 26.08.2021 08:16:16

Title: Users‘ OneDrive for Business storage limits are lower than expected

User Impact: Users‘ OneDrive for Business storage limits are lower than expected.

Current status: We’re reviewing available system data to determine possible underlying causes of this issue.

Scope of impact: Your organization is affected by this event, and any user may have lower than expected limits for their OneDrive for Business storage.

Next update by: Thursday, August 26, 2021, at 7:30 AM UTC

Published Time: 26.08.2021 08:02:17

Title: Users‘ OneDrive for Business storage limits are lower than expected

User Impact: Users‘ OneDrive for Business storage limits are lower than expected.

Current status: We’re investigating a potential issue and checking for impact to your organization. We’ll provide an update within 30 minutes.

Scope of impact: Your organization is affected by this event, and any user may have lower than expected limits for their OneDrive for Business storage.

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