Windows 10 gets new Outlook app with preview update Jan. 2025 and update Feb. 2025

Windows[German]A brief addendum from Friday, January 10, 2025: Microsoft announced in the Microsoft 365 Message Center that Windows 10 will also receive the new Outlook app as a "pre-install". The app will be pre-installed on systems as part of updates with the preview update at the end of January and with the regular February 2025 update.

Announcement with Message ID MC976059

Under the message ID MC976059, administrators with access to the Microsoft 365 Message Center are informed that the new Outlook for Windows will be automatically installed on Windows 10 devices as part of an upcoming "monthly security release". Behind the cryptic description "security release" is the information that the new Outlook app will be rolled out and pre-installed via a Windows 10 update.

  • Specifically, the optional preview update for Windows 10 22H2, which will be rolled out on January 28, 2025, will install the new Outlook app.
  • Furthermore, the new Outlook app will be pre-installed by the regular Windows 10 security update on February 11, 2025 (I assume that this only affects version 22H2 of Windows 10).

The only positive information is that Microsoft states that the new Outlook app will only be installed alongside classic Outlook. The default settings and configurations will not change. This means that anyone using classic Outlook will not be automatically switched to the new app.

However, the new Outlook app will be accessible via the start menu in the "Apps" section. Both classic Outlook and the new Outlook app for Windows can be run side by side.

No possibility to block the install

The support article Block new Outlook preinstall on Windows explains that there is no way to block this preinstallation. However, administrators have the option of removing the new Outlook app after installation using the following PowerShell command:

Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -AllUsers -Online -PackageName (Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.OutlookForWindows).PackageFullName

Furthermore, the REG_SZ value BlockedOobeUpdaters must be set to ["MS_Outlook"] in the following registry branch.


After removing the new app, Microsoft does not want to reinstall the new Outlook via Windows updates.

Time to kick Outlook

No matter what Microsoft says, it's time to kick Microsoft Outlook out in any form (if possible). The way Microsoft is forcing the new Outlook app onto systems is an absolute no-go. Offering the new Outlook app as a download in the Store would have been a different case, then you could freely decide whether to install the app. Classic Outlook will still be supported until 2029 (see Road map for new Outlook app; classic Outlook supported up to 2029).

In my opinion, the new Outlook app is an absolute no-go because of the numerous restrictions (e.g. New Outlook: Microsoft will definitely not support COM add-ins), the license requirements (see New Outlook for Windows 11: Adding of business accounts denied due to missing licensing) and the redirection of emails and login data via Microsoft's servers (see Beware: New Outlook app transfers access data to Microsoft and New Outlook app: "Monitoring and surveillance tool for targeted advertising").

Apparently, Microsoft sees the skins swimming away that they are now resorting to such forced installations. For the "it's not so bad, it won't be activated" faction: All software, even unused, is a security risk in the system. In any case, I make three crosses here, having used Thunderbird as a mail client since 2009 and now using Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC. There is no store on the platform and no apps are installed.

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Beware: New Outlook app transfers access data to Microsoft
New Outlook app: Microsoft's statement on transferred credentials and content
New Outlook for Windows 11: Adding of business accounts denied due to missing licensing
New Outlook: Microsoft will definitely not support COM add-ins
New Outlook app: "Monitoring and surveillance tool for targeted advertising"

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4 Responses to Windows 10 gets new Outlook app with preview update Jan. 2025 and update Feb. 2025

  1. BradentonDeb2021 says:

    What effect will this have on Microsoft Outlook when installed as part of the Microsoft Office suite? I currently use Microsoft Office, including Microsoft Outlook, 2019.

    Thank you.

    • guenni says:

      Currently it should have no effect on perpetual licenses – but who knows. If new Outlook app isn't used, it should be uninstalled immediately. After an one-time-use, the credentials are transferred to Microsoft.

  2. Lucas says:

    Does anybody know whether the registry value to disable the new Outlook installation via Update really has to be ["MS_Outlook"] including the square brackets? Looks untypical for a Microsoft registry value to me. Or is it just their way in the Microsoft learn article to highlight that "MS_Outlook" IS the content of the value including the double quotes?
    Do you think it is better to add both variations into the registry to be 100% sure to not get the new Outlook on Windows 10 machines with the 2025-02 update?

    • Lucas says:

      Silly me… using both variants at the same time is NOT possible for obvious reasons. So it is all the more important to know what the exact name of the registry value should be. Any ideas?

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