[English]Microsoft hat gerade mitgeteilt, dass man eine Störung bei der klassischen Outlook-Authentifizierung in Microsoft 365 behoben habe. Hier ein paar Informationen. Ergänzung: Neue Statusmeldungen nachgetragen.
Störung bei klassischer Outlook-Authentifizierung
Seit Anfang Mai 2020 gibt es diverse Probleme mit Exchange Online (siehe Störung bei Exchange Online (30.4./1.5.2020). Ich habe es nicht weiter verfolgt, aber mir sind dann im Zusammenhang mit dem Artikel Microsoft Office Patchday (5. Mai 2020) die beiden Kommentare hier aufgefallen. Blog-Leser Tom schrieb:
Seit dem neuesten Update (Version 2004 Build 12730.20250) für Microsoft 365 haben wir das Problem, dass Outlook ständig nach dem Passwort fragt, selbst wenn man es abspeichert (bis jetzt auf drei Clients). Auch ein Löschen der Credentials in der Systemsteuerung unter Windows-Anmeldeinformationen hat keine Besserung gebracht. Nur eine Deinstallation von Office und eine Neuinstallation einer älteren Version (2004 Build 12730.20236) hat geholfen. Kennt jemand dieses Problem?
Darauf hat sich Blog-Leser Thorsten gemeldet und wies auf einen Fehler in der Microsoft 365-Anmeldung für Outlook hin:
bei mir kam vor eine Stunde eine Mail vom Microsoft 365 Service Health:
Title: Multiple credential prompts in the Outlook client
User Impact: Users may receive repeated credential prompts within the Outlook client.
Das war am 6. Mai 2020 und betraf wohl die kommerziellen Cloud-Angebote. Mir ist das Ganze aufgefallen, weil meine Frau sich beschwerte, dass sie am iPad ‘seit ein paar Tagen’ keine Outlook.com-Mails mehr abrufen konnte. Da es hier im Blog aber bereits am 6. Mai 2020 obige Kommentare zu Outlook-Anmeldeproblemen gab, habe ich nichts unternommen (auch wenn sich die Störung auf die Outlook.com-Probleme für Privatanwender bezogen). Ich bin mir allerdings auch nicht gänzlich sicher, ob diese Probleme zusammen hingen.
Microsoft rollt einen Fix aus
Am 7. Mai 2020 hat dann Microsoft wohl auf die Probleme mit der konventionellen Authentifizierung bei Outlook.com reagiert. Mir ist nachfolgender Tweet von Microsoft mit einer entsprechenden Ankündigung unter die Augen gekommen.
We’re deploying a solution to address an issue in which users may be experiencing repeated credential prompts within the Outlook client when using Classic Authentication. Additional details can be found in the admin center under EX212047.
— Microsoft 365 Status (@MSFT365Status) May 7, 2020
Also bereits vorige Woche hat man Donnerstags einen Fix ausgerollt, der das Problem beheben sollte.
Die Störung sollte nun weg sein
Mir ist am heutigen Montag (11.5.2020) die aktuelle Statusmeldung von Microsoft 365 auf Twitter aufgefallen. Dort wurde bekannt gegeben, dass die Störung jetzt behoben sein sollte.
We’ve completed deployment of the fix and we’ve confirmed with multiple customers that the credential prompt issue has been resolved. Additional details can be found in the admin center under EX212047.
— Microsoft 365 Status (@MSFT365Status) May 11, 2020
Mein kurzer Test mit Outlook.com am iPad ergab, dass es jetzt keine Anmeldeprobleme mehr gab. Allerdings sind die Testmails, die ich am Freitag an das Outlook.de-Konto geschickt habe, bisher nicht zugestellt worden. Auf Twitter regt ein Nutzer an, dass Microsoft die Probleme auch bei der ‘modern Authentification’ beheben möge.
Now if only we could resolve the same symptom for those of us already using modern auth.
— Dale Puumala (@dalepuumala) May 11, 2020
Frage: Gibt es bei euch noch Anmeldeprobleme an Exchange-Online oder Outlook.com-Konten?
Ergänzung: Neue Statusmeldungen
Blog-Leser Andreas P. hat mir folgende Statusmeldungen zukommen lassen.
-11.05.2020 07:21:47
Title: Multiple credential prompts in the Outlook client
User Impact: Users may have received repeated credential prompts within the Outlook client.
More info: While we were focused on remediation, users that had access to other protocols such as Outlook on the web or mobile devices could access their email without issue.
This issue only impacted customers using basic authentication. Customers who were able to use Modern Authentication to mitigate impact for affected users; however, this process may have required several hours to take effect for some customers.
For some customers who have disabled Modern Authentication, there was a secondary issue that was causing the client to attempt to use Modern Authentication regardless of the setting.
Final status: We’ve verified that the fix has been deployed to the affected infrastructure and confirmed via customer reports and service health monitoring that the issue has been resolved.
Scope of impact: This issue affected a subset of customers and users who were connecting to the service using Basic Authentication and utilized service-based search or a Focused inbox.
Start time: Monday, May 4, 2020, at 7:00 AM UTC
End time: Monday, May 11, 2020, at 5:05 AM UTC
Preliminary root cause: A recent update to the Exchange Online service contained a code issue that caused repeated credential prompts for basic authentication users.
Next steps:
– We’re reviewing our update and validation procedures to prevent similar issues from reoccurring and to identify issues before initiating deployment.
– We’re reviewing our deployment and patching procedures to more quickly identify the source of impact and mitigate impact in a more timely fashion.We’ll publish a post-incident report within five business days.
-10.05.2020 04:53:06
Title: Multiple credential prompts in the Outlook client
User Impact: Users may receive repeated credential prompts within the Outlook client.
More info: This is an incremental update to provide the latest status on the issue.
Current status: We’ve confirmed the fix has deployed to approximately 91 percent of the affected infrastructure, and we now expect it to complete on Monday, May 11, 2020. For complete details on this event, please reference the post from 6:19 PM UTC on May 9, 2020.
Next update by: Monday, May 11, 2020, at 6:30 PM UTC
-09.05.2020 20:19:51
Title: Multiple credential prompts in the Outlook client
User Impact: Users may receive repeated credential prompts within the Outlook client.
More info: While we’re focused on remediation, users that have access to other protocols such as Outlook on the web or mobile devices can access their email without issue.
This issue only impacts customers using basic authentication. Customers who are able to use Modern Authentication may enable it to mitigate impact for affected users; however, this process can require several hours to take effect for some customers.
While we understand this may not be a viable workaround for all customers we’re committed to identifying and providing all potential solutions. Details on how to enable Modern Authentication can be found here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/clients-and-mobile-in-exchange-online/enable-or-disable-modern-authentication-in-exchange-online
For some customers who have disabled Modern Authentication, there is a secondary issue that is causing the client to attempt to use Modern Authentication regardless of the setting. Once the fix has been deployed, the client and service should use the expected configuration.
Current status: We’ve confirmed the fix has deployed to approximately 86 percent of the affected infrastructure, and we now expect it to complete on Sunday, May 10, 2020.
Scope of impact: This issue affects a subset of customers and users who are connecting to the service using Basic Authentication and utilize service-based search or a Focused inbox.
Start time: Tuesday, May 5, 2020, at 4:00 AM UTC
Estimated time to resolve: Based on current progress, we expect deployment of the solution to complete on Sunday, May 10, 2020. Customers should experience incremental service restoration as the deployment progresses.
Preliminary root cause: A recent update to the Exchange Online service contains a code issue that is causing repeated credential prompts for basic authentication users.
Next update by: Sunday, May 10, 2020, at 4:00 AM UTC
-09.05.2020 00:22:41
Title: Multiple credential prompts in the Outlook client
User Impact: Users may receive repeated credential prompts within the Outlook client.
More info: While we’re focused on remediation, users that have access to other protocols such as Outlook on the web or mobile devices can access their email without issue.
This issue only impacts customers using basic authentication. Customers who are able to use Modern Authentication may enable it to mitigate impact for affected users; however, this process can require several hours to take effect for some customers.
While we understand this may not be a viable workaround for all customers we’re committed to identifying and providing all potential solutions. Details on how to enable Modern Authentication can be found here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/clients-and-mobile-in-exchange-online/enable-or-disable-modern-authentication-in-exchange-online
For some customers who have disabled Modern Authentication, there is a secondary issue that is causing the client to attempt to use Modern Authentication regardless of the setting. Once the fix has been deployed, the client and service should use the expected configuration.
Current status: We’re closely monitoring progress of the fix deployment which has reached approximately 47 percent of the affected infrastructure. We now expect that the deployment will complete by Monday, May 11, 2020 at 7:00 PM UTC.
Scope of impact: This issue affects a subset of customers and users who are connecting to the service using Basic Authentication and utilize service-based search or a Focused inbox.
Start time: Tuesday, May 5, 2020, at 4:00 AM UTC
Estimated time to resolve: Based on current progress, we expect deployment of the solution to complete by Monday, May 11, 2020 at 7:00 PM UTC. Customers should experience incremental service restoration as the deployment progresses.
Preliminary root cause: A recent update to the Exchange Online service contains a code issue that is causing repeated credential prompts for basic authentication users.
Next update by: Saturday, May 9, 2020, at 9:00 PM UTC
-08.05.2020 18:59:41
Title: Multiple credential prompts in the Outlook client
User Impact: Users may receive repeated credential prompts within the Outlook client.
More info: While we’re focused on remediation, users that have access to other protocols such as Outlook on the web or mobile devices can access their email without issue.
This issue only impacts customers using basic authentication. Customers who are able to use Modern Authentication may enable it to mitigate impact for affected users; however, this process can require several hours to take effect for some customers.
While we understand this may not be a viable workaround for all customers we’re committed to identifying and providing all potential solutions. Details on how to enable Modern Authentication can be found here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/clients-and-mobile-in-exchange-online/enable-or-disable-modern-authentication-in-exchange-online
For some customers who have disabled Modern Authentication, there is a secondary issue that is causing the client to attempt to use Modern Authentication regardless of the setting. Once the fix has been deployed, the client and service should use the expected configuration.
Current status: We’re closely monitoring progress of the fix deployment which has reached approximately 33 percent of the affected infrastructure. We expect that the deployment will complete within the next 48 hours.
Scope of impact: This issue affects a subset of customers and users who are connecting to the service using Basic Authentication and utilize service-based search or a Focused inbox.
Start time: Tuesday, May 5, 2020, at 4:00 AM UTC
Estimated time to resolve: Based on current progress, we expect deployment of the solution to complete by 11:00 PM UTC on Sunday, May 10, 2020. Customers should experience incremental service restoration as the deployment progresses.
Preliminary root cause: A recent update to the Exchange Online service contains a code issue that is causing repeated credential prompts for basic authentication users.
Next update by: Saturday, May 9, 2020, at 11:00 PM UTC
-08.05.2020 02:13:31
Title: Multiple credential prompts in the Outlook client
User Impact: Users may receive repeated credential prompts within the Outlook client.
More info: While we’re focused on remediation, users that have access to other protocols such as Outlook on the web or mobile devices can access their email without issue.
This issue only impacts customers using basic authentication. Customers who are able to use Modern Authentication may enable it to mitigate impact for affected users; however, this process can require several hours to take effect for some customers.
While we understand this may not be a viable workaround for all customers we’re committed to identifying and providing all potential solutions. Details on how to enable Modern Authentication can be found here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/clients-and-mobile-in-exchange-online/enable-or-disable-modern-authentication-in-exchange-online.
Current status: We’re continuing deployment of the fix and expect it reach all of the affected environments within the next 72 hours.
Scope of impact: This issue affects a subset of customers and users who are connecting to the service using Basic Authentication and utilize service-based search or a Focused inbox.
Start time: Tuesday, May 5, 2020, at 4:00 AM UTC
Preliminary root cause: A recent update to the Exchange Online service contains a code issue that is causing repeated credential prompts for basic authentication users.
Next update by: Friday, May 8, 2020, at 5:00 PM UTC
-07.05.2020 22:41:29
Title: Multiple credential prompts in the Outlook client
User Impact: Users may receive repeated credential prompts within the Outlook client.
More info: While we’re focused on remediation, users that have access to other protocols such as Outlook on the web or mobile devices can access their email without issue.
This issue only impacts customers using basic authentication. Customers who are able to use Modern Authentication may enable it to mitigate impact for affected users; however, this process can require several hours to take effect for some customers.
While we understand this may not be a viable workaround for all customers we’re committed to identifying and provided all potential solutions. Details on how to enable Modern Authentication can be found here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/clients-and-mobile-in-exchange-online/enable-or-disable-modern-authentication-in-exchange-online.
Current status: We’ve initiated deployment of our solution and users should experience service restoration as the fix reaches their environment. We will provide an estimated resolution timeline as soon as one is available.
Scope of impact: This issue affects a subset of customers and users who are connecting to the service using Basic Authentication and utilize service-based search or a Focused inbox.
Start time: Tuesday, May 5, 2020, at 4:00 AM UTC
Preliminary root cause: A recent update to the Exchange Online service contains a code issue that is causing repeated credential prompts for basic authentication users.
Next update by: Friday, May 8, 2020, at 3:00 AM UTC
-07.05.2020 18:54:26
Title: Multiple credential prompts in the Outlook client
User Impact: Users may receive repeated credential prompts within the Outlook client.
More info: While we’re focused on remediation, users that have access to other protocols such as Outlook on the web or mobile devices can access their email without issue.
This issue only impacts customers using Basic Authentication. Further, customers who are able to use Modern Authentication may enable it to mitigate impact for affected users; however, this process can require several hours to take effect for some customers.
Details on how to enable Modern Authentication can be found here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/clients-and-mobile-in-exchange-online/enable-or-disable-modern-authentication-in-exchange-online
Current status: We’re continuing to perform validation of our fix and expect this process to complete within the next three to four hours. Once complete, we’ll initiate deployment of our solution to the affected infrastructure.
Scope of impact: This issue affects a subset of customers and users who are connecting to the service using basic authentication and utilize service-based search or a Focused inbox.
Start time: Tuesday, May 5, 2020, at 4:00 AM UTC
Root cause: A recent update to the Exchange Online service contains a code issue that is causing repeated credential prompts for basic authentication users.
Next update by: Thursday, May 7, 2020, at 11:00 PM UTC
-07.05.2020 04:33:29
Title: Multiple credential prompts in the Outlook client
User Impact: Users may receive repeated credential prompts within the Outlook client.
More info: While we’re focused on remediation, users that have access to other protocols such as Outlook on the web or mobile devices can access their email without issue. Additionally, customers who are able to use Modern Authentication may enable it to mitigate impact for affected users. Details on how to enable Modern Authentication can be found here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/clients-and-mobile-in-exchange-online/enable-or-disable-modern-authentication-in-exchange-online
Current status: We’ve developed a fix and we’re performing extensive validation to confirm that it’ll resolve the issue. We expect to begin deployment of the fix within the next 14 hours.
Scope of impact: This issue may affect any user that has service-based search or Focused Inbox. Additionally, this issue only affects users that are attempting to connect to their Outlook Desktop clients via basic authentication.
Start time: Tuesday, May 5, 2020, at 4:00 AM UTC
Root cause: A recent update to the Exchange Online service contains a code issue that is causing repeated credential prompts for basic authentication users.
Next update by: Thursday, May 7, 2020, at 5:00 PM UTC
-07.05.2020 02:33:22
Title: Multiple credential prompts in the Outlook client
User impact: Users may receive repeated credential prompts within the Outlook client.
More info: While we’re focused on remediation, users that have access to other protocols such as Outlook on the web or mobile devices can access their email without issue. Additionally, customers who are able to use Modern Authentication may enable it to mitigate impact for affected users. Details on how to enable Modern Authentication can be found here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/clients-and-mobile-in-exchange-online/enable-or-disable-modern-authentication-in-exchange-online
Current status: We’ve determined that a recent Exchange Online update contains a code issue which is resulting in repeated credential prompts. We’ve halted deployment of the build to prevent further spread of impact and we’re discussing mitigation steps for this event. We’ve confirmed that this issue appears to only affect basic authentication configuration users.
Scope of impact: This issue may affect any user that has service-based search or Focused Inbox. Additionally, this issue only affects users that are attempting to connect via basic authentication.
Root cause: A recent update to the Exchange Online service contains a code issue that is causing repeated credential prompts for basic authentication users.
Next update by: Thursday, May 7, 2020, at 3:30 AM UTC
-07.05.2020 00:29:05
Title: Multiple credential prompts in the Outlook client
User Impact: Users may receive repeated credential prompts within the Outlook client.
More info: While we’re focused on remediation, users that have access to other protocols such as Outlook on the web or mobile devices can access their email without issue. Additionally, customers who are able to use Modern Authentication may enable it to mitigate impact for affected users. Details on how to enable Modern Authentication can be found here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/clients-and-mobile-in-exchange-online/enable-or-disable-modern-authentication-in-exchange-online
Current status: We’ve created test accounts using various configurations to help us understand the exact circumstances that causes this issue to better define the scope of the problem and how we may go about resolving the impact.
Scope of impact: This issue may affect any user that has service-based search or Focused Inbox.
Next update by: Thursday, May 7, 2020, at 1:30 AM UTC
-06.05.2020 22:34:02
Title: Multiple credential prompts in the Outlook client
User Impact: Users may receive repeated credential prompts within the Outlook client.
More info: As a workaround, customer who are able to use Modern Authentication may enable it to mitigate impact for affected users. Details on how to enable Modern Authentication can be found here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/clients-and-mobile-in-exchange-online/enable-or-disable-modern-authentication-in-exchange-online
Current status: We’re continuing to investigate the Fiddler network traces and data supplied by impacted users to isolate the cause.
Scope of impact: This issue may affect any user that has service-based search or Focused Inbox.
Next update by: Wednesday, May 6, 2020, at 10:30 PM UTC
-06.05.2020 19:45:17
Title: Multiple credential prompts in the Outlook client
User Impact: Users may receive repeated credential prompts within the Outlook client.
More info: As a workaround, customer who are able to use Modern Authentication may enable it to mitigate impact for affected users. Details on how to enable Modern Authentication can be found here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/clients-and-mobile-in-exchange-online/enable-or-disable-modern-authentication-in-exchange-online
Current status: We’re analyzing trace logs provided by affected users to isolate the origin of the issue and determine our next steps. We’ve received some reports that enabling Modern Authentication mitigates the problem, though we’re investigating how this relates to the cause of the problem.
Scope of impact: This issue may affect any user that has service-based search or Focused Inbox.
Next update by: Wednesday, May 6, 2020, at 8:30 PM UTC
-05.05.2020 18:39:57
Title: Multiple credential prompts in the Outlook client
User Impact: Some users may receive repeated credential prompts within the Outlook client.
More info: Some users have reported that after multiple credential prompts they are able to access the service.
Current status: Our investigation into the system logs did not provide enough data to determine the source of the issue. We’re contacting affected users to gather Fiddler network trace logs, Support and Recovery Assistant logs, and examples of users that can reproduce the issue so that we can understand the root cause and create a strategy to remediate impact.
Scope of impact: This issue may affect any user that has service-based search or Focused Inbox.
Next update by: Wednesday, May 6, 2020, at 6:30 PM UTC
-05.05.2020 17:04:35
Title: Multiple credential prompts in the Outlook client
User Impact: Users may receive repeated credential prompts within the Outlook client.
Current status: We’re analyzing system logs to determine the source of the issue.
Scope of impact: This issue may affect any user that has service-based search or Focused Inbox.
Next update by: Tuesday, May 5, 2020, at 5:00 PM UTC
-05.05.2020 16:29:21
Title: Multiple credential prompts in the Outlook client
User Impact: Users may receive repeated credential prompts within the Outlook client.
Current status: We’re investigating a potential issue with multiple credential prompts. We’ll provide an update within 30 minutes.
Möglicherweise hat man bei MS durch den Fix andere / neue Probleme verursacht. Ab heute kein Exchange-Sync vom MS-Konto mehr am Android-Smartphone möglich (GMail-App Fehler: Anmeldedaten erforderlich -> Keine Serververbindung möglich -> versuchen Sie es später erneut oder wenden Sie sich an den Admin).
Nachdem dem Update Anfang diesen Monats habe ich ich die oben geschilderten wiederholten Aufforderungen zur Passworteingabe bei meinem Outlook 2016 (Dewsktop) bekommen. Hotmail funktionierte so nicht mehr aber gmail schon. Nach ein paar Tagen war ich es leid und habe das hotmail konto gelöscht. Nach erneutem Aufsetzten des Kontos bekam ich nur noch die fehlermeldung Verbindungsproblem.
Nachdem ich nun Ihren Bog gesehen hatte habe ich es erneut versucht. Anders als vorher bekam ich zum Konto ein Exchange Symbol und wurde aufgefordert outlook zu schließen und erneut zu öffnen. Das war´s dann aber auch . Keine Verzeichnisse und keine mails für Hotmail sichtbar. Nach manueller Synchronisation (alle Ordner) erscchien nun eine Fehlermeldung (9JKG-GRC) auf die Datenquelle könne nicht zugegriffen werden.